Couple Dilami/Nadia Salah
Abdelmounaïm Dilami is the CEO of the group EcoMédias. He was president of the Moroccan Federation of Press Editors until 2007 and vice-president of the Union internationale de la presse francophone. Dilami is a State doctor in Public Law and Political Sciences, a laureate of the University of Grenoble. He is a professor at the University of Mohammed V in Rabat.
Nadia Salah holds a Ph.D. from the Université en Economie Monétaire. She also went to Sciences Po Grenoble, and the Institut de Communication. Before working at L'Economiste, she had practiced journalism for 14 years. She is the Director of Editorial Offices of the group EcoMedias and is legally responsible for the contents of the three editorial offices (Economiste, Assabah and Atlantic Radio).
Education (Ecole Supérieure de Journalisme et de Communication)
Further Information
L’Economiste (2016). Abdelmounaïm DILAMI : Président-Directeur Général |
| Accessed on 24th October 2017.
L’Economiste (2016). Nadia SALAH : Directeur des rédactions I I. Accessed on 24th October 2017.
Babelmed (2007). Maroc: alerte aux faucons. Entretien avec Nadia Salah, directrice des rédactions d’Eco-Medias I I. Accessed on 24th October 2017.